Guinot Paris


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Guinot is still the number 1 choice for French women. This luxurious brand brings result oriented spa treatments with their well renowned-patented hydradermie facials. Guinot’s signature treatment utilises a low intensity galvanic current to infuse ionised serum gels deep into the skin to deep cleanse, hydrate and energise the deeper layer of the skin. The serum gels are carefully chosen for each individual’s skin condition to deliver maximum result.


Paris Method Hydradermie

This treatment is for those that are time poor and are still seeking a result driven classic facial. This treatment consists of cleansing, exfoliating, double ionization infusion, oxygenating followed with a massage with a steam and a mask.

1 hour appointment


Note: we are currently unable to offer vapozone steam due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Deluxe Paris Method Hydradermie

This luxurious treatment incorporates ionised serum infusion to the face, neck and the décolletage followed by oxygenation treatment. The massage is extended to  include the shoulder, neck, face and head. This signature deluxe hydradermie is truely a treatment to be experienced if you are seeking relaxation as well as result orientated treatment.

1.25 hour appointment


Deluxe Paris Method Hydralift

This hydrating and muscle toning treatment utilises a micro-current patented to Guinot to stimulate the underlying muscle. This treatment is compared to a gym for your face. The micro-current makes the belly of the muscle bulk up to lift the skin for a more youthful looking skin. This is the ideal treatment when the skin is showing signs of tiredness, puffy eyes, ageing, slackening of the skin. This is also great for those that are noticing the jowl beginning to lose its contour.


  • $20 Add on Age logic serum instead of the essential serums
  • $58 Add on Eye logic treatment 


    We will always customise your skin care to suit your skin’s need so you can achieve optimum result. These will be discussed at your initial consultation.